Highland Park House Tour- Exterior

Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Hedges Entry
As we had mentioned previously, the house was hidden away behind an unattractive chain link fence and utilitarian hedges. We can't wait to add to this house's curb appeal, starting with this foreboding walkway.
Vision: To create a warm, inviting entrance into the house. While we do like the privacy that the existing hedges provide, we want to create a lasting first impression that will prepare guests for the lush retreat that lies beyond the gates. We will be removing the unsightly chain link and adding a decorative gated fence that will not only provide clear property lines, but also create the feeling of a secluded getaway. We plan on keeping the hedges and cleaning them up, so they are in line with the manicured crisp edges of Spanish Colonial Revival landscaping. We will remove the existing brick pavers and create a new walkway that will tie into the entryway stairs, to which we will add Spanish tiles.
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior
Marie in deep thought over the double-front entrance.Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior
Recess Flip Highland Park House ExteriorRecess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Front Yard
Vision: To create a private driveway to the garage that seamlessly integrates the new front gates and landscaping all of the way around the property. We plan to extend the fencing to clearly separate the property and driveway from the neighboring house and provide privacy. We will be replacing the entire pathway to the garage, so goodbye cement tiles!
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Driveway
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Driveway
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Driveway
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior
Vision: To increase to the outdoor space by reducing the footprint of the garage, bringing it back to its original size. The garage had been extended in an un-permitted renovation, creating a massive barn-like open space. 
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Garage
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Garage
The green beams mark the original face of the garage. We will bring the garage back to those green beams.
Vision: To  reconfigure the space to maximize the outdoor living area, completely removing the shed and backhouse additions. The dilapidated storage shed was a lean-to attached to the back of the garage, adjacent to a separate backhouse in disrepair. We aim to highlight the perks of Southern California living, and envision a possible pergola for outdoor entertaining. We think that the cactus is as old as the house, and will definitely be saving it!
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Shed
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Shed
Vision: To open up the cramped courtyard and patio space into a full backyard. The removal of the garage, shed, and backhouse additions will allow us to fully realize a completely dedicated backyard. We will also be removing the ugly green corrugated roofing that covered the makeshift patio adjacent to the entrance to the master- one of the biggest eyesores of the property! We love the existing lemon tree, and want to add to the Mediterranean oasis with more greenery. We are thinking about putting in a planter along the perimeter of the backyard- and if I'm lucky, maybe even a fragrant herb garden!
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Courtyard
To the right of the master (the room with the french doors), you can see the garage add-on.
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Courtyard
Here you can see the corrugated roofing of the master patio.
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Master Patio
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Master Patio
The door to the right leads to the guest suite.
Recess Flip Highland Park House Exterior Master Patio
Vision: To clean up the area between the neighboring house and continue the same perimeter privacy markers throughout as mentioned with the driveway side of the house.
Recess Flip Highland Park House Perimeter
Recess Flip Highland Park House Perimeter
View from the front

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